Thursday, March 13, 2003

Prang Goes The Membership

The dent in the Rover's boot was entirely my fault. It was caused by a scaffold pole sticking out the back of a van. The rear window of the car doesn't have a wiper. It was wet and the sun was shining on it, meaning I couldn't see a thing out the back of the car. I used the wing mirror to reverse out of my parking space at the garage and saw the van but not the pole.

Result: A good sized dent in the boot and my membership of the Rover Club revoked. The Club's Grand Master has written to me in disgust.

"You have been found guilty of willfully neglecting your beautiful luxury motor. By the power invested in me by The Walnut Trim, I hereby black-ball you from our secret society."

And I don't wear a tie to work either.


I still have sinusitis. The antibiotics I had a few weeks back were weak and only cleared the problem up for a few days. Last week I was worse than ever. A return trip to the doctors has provided me with a second course of antibiotics, this time much stronger. I am also inhaling Olbas oil through a £50 note.

The medicine seems to be working though. After three days of treatment, my nostrils are finally seeing some movement. Rather disturbingly I found what looked like a black watermelon pip in the usual yellow mucus after this mornings "first blow". A bead of ancient blood, from the depths of my infected sinuses. Sweet.

Red Nose Day

What with the sinusitis its been red nose day for me for the last 12 weeks, but tomorrow is the big comedy charity day. As a taste of what might happen here at work, three of the ladies from Customer Service today dressed up as:

A cow - with rubber udder
A pumpkin - with scary Halloween face
A tomato

For this they expected some sponsorship. It took me a little while to get the joke.

Meat and two veg.

Wednesday, March 12, 2003

We're Having A Baby

Vic's 13 weeks pregnant. How cool is that... I'm going to be a daddy!
She saw the midwife last week and everything seems OK - Vic heard the baby's heartbeat.
We get our scan in 7 weeks time: I can't wait.
Vic's been feeling very tired and a little queasy, but hasn't been chucking up the morning sickness.
Current names are Louis (but not in recognition of Jefferson Louis) and India.

Possible middle names include Ryan, David, Paul, Sebastian, Nicky, Michael, Gary, Phil, Wes, Roy, Rio, Ruud and Fabian.

The reason for my silence over the last few weeks should now be apparent: This has been the only thing on my mind. I didn't have anything else to think or write about. Its all consuming in an exciting way. There was no way I was going to announce it on this blog before the danger 12 week period was up, so my silence has literally been golden.

The clues have been there of course: the new big car (already dented btw) for example.

Join us in a celebratory toast.