Tuesday, July 08, 2003

Who Do You Think You Are Kidding?

You may remember that I was up for writing and directing Emma's (primary) school play about WWII.

She dropped me, in favour of some random teacher, without even a word in explanation*.

Oh the fickle world of the theatre.

Tonight is opening night and Emma has invited us along. Although I had considered boycotting the red carpet, I'm not bitter, so we will be attending.

I'm taking along a notepad and camera to record the show, and aid my full and frank review of it tomorrow. If it's not up to scratch, she'll get both barrels, Winner's Dinners style.

I'm just worried that the parents might think I'm a pervert, photographing and making notes on their children...

* She probably feared that I would have the kids dressed up in replica SS uniforms.