Hello World
Elliot Ethan arrived at 04.34 Friday morning 10th March 2006, safe and well. He weighed in at a healthy 8 lbs 1 oz, bearing a striking resemblence to his big sister: a shock of black hair and facial features that are so similar, he could be India's twin. India had longer legs, but Elliot has larger hands and feet. Overall, he's a pretty boy.
Labour was a mere 4 hours: half the length of India's, and Vic did brilliantly. Once again she did it with no pain relief and frankly made it look easy. She stayed focussed and calm, and importantly listened to the midwife and pushed at all the right times. I'm very proud of her. The short labour time has already helped Vic's post birth recovery, as she is far less drained than with India. No stitches either. As a result, she was able to discharge herself yesterday morning, so Elliot and mummy have been home for a day and a half now.
So far so good too. Last night wasn't too bad. Elliot is a very hungry boy and wants attention all the time. With the milk yet to arrive in earnest, he's wanting a feed every hour or two, so we had a broken nights sleep -- which is less than ideal when you're knackered anyway... but it was certainly better for Vic, if not for me, than her being in hospital.
Vic and I are both very happy. It's a natural high. I've forgotten how amazing the whole baby-parent thing is. We're all in a sleep-deprived daze of course, but it's so worth it.
India's reaction yesterday wasn't quite as me had hoped. Despite being primed via numerous books and explanations, she didn't like hospital and was very quite when introduced to Elliot. Some clear jealous has popped up whenever Elliot is being fed or cuddled by mummy. Things are improved today though, she's been helping daddy look after Elliot and hasn't freaked as much as yesterday. She's wearing her "i'm the big sister" T shirt with pride.
I have the week off, we're being looked after by the mother-in-law, and I'm loving it.