Friday, November 01, 2002

My Mind Resides In A Pumpkin Lantern

It took a while for Jacob (nephew) to get to bed last night. Like all kids at that age (3), he didn't want to go to sleep as he felt he was missing out on what the adults were doing downstairs. He came up with a whole host of excuses to try and get out of bed: he was afraid of the dark, there was a monster in the backgarden, he wasn't tired, etc. It was quite difficult to convince him that he was not actually missing out on any "play" - we were only talking and eating downstairs, that I'd have liked him to be downstairs just as much as he would, but unfortunately sleep came first. After a little ten minute one-on-one chat, he eventually admitted that he wasn't afraid of the dark, that there wasn't a monster in the garden, and he just wanted to rejoin the party (in the end I convinced him to accept a cuddle from his mummy instead). It's ironic that when he hits my age, he'll want to leave parties as soon as the clock strikes bedtime...

Jacob did manage to escape from his bedroom Colditz for five minutes, which was cool and well timed, as I was putting the final touches to my pumpkin lantern. I'd forgotten how much of a simple pleasure something as crude as carving a stupid face into a vegetable can be. I don't do much art or tangible creativity these days, so I really relished the chance to make the lantern. Bottomline, pumpkin lanterns are basic primitive artwork, and I think I've got a basic primitive need to create things running through my mind, body and soul.

I think this blog is a sad manifestation of that need.

The Yellow and Blue Army Strikes North!

After cancelling the planned trip last season, Scott and I (and the ladies) are making the big road trip up North today in order to see the mighty Oxford United play away at Carlisle. The trip represents a bit of a pilgrimage, and I'm looking forward to joining the rest of the away fan nutters who have made the ten hour round trip to watch football. Being an away fan at the best of times can induce a feeling of camaraderie, but Saturday should be quite a special Yellow and Blue Army atmosphere.

We're bound to lose 1-0 to a last minute penalty, after a terrible game, and thoroughly lacklustre Oxford performance. It will rain and be bloody chilly too.

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