Black Friday
I was going to update this last Thursday, but thanks to a nasty little virus passed on by India (she was poorly for 2 weeks), I was off work again with ANOTHER chest infection. Hardly the best preparation for my exam tomorrow.
But it was to get worse on Friday.
We had been looking forward to receiving news of Sara and Stashers new arrival: Sara was booked in for a cesaer.
Instead I got news that my grandad had dropped dead.
Seven weeks after his wife had died, my gramp seems to have died of a broken heart. You hear of these things all the time when elderly people suddenly lose their life-long loves and partners, but having seen gramp doing so well over the last week -- he seemed to be back to his normal self according to my mum -- the fact he's gone is a real shock. I can't believe it really. No chance to say goodbye. No chance to help me get over gran's loss by talking things through with him. Quite simply a terrible blow.
We await the Coroner's post-mortem report tomorrow: As gramp hadn't seen a Doctor since gran's death, and his collapse was so sudden (he had spoken to his neighbour five minutes before he was found dead), a post-mortem is required.
Frankly, this year has been dreadful, with all three of my surviving grandparents dying. The only consolidation I can take from gramp's death is that he is now where he wanted to be.
The silver-lining of the day was the good news from Sara and Stasher that tempered our tragedy suffered:
Rory Edward Neville was born fit and healthy. 5 lbs, 12 oz
Congratulations Mum and Dad!
Edward was my gramps name...
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