Tuesday, October 29, 2002

Great Coleman Balls Of Fire

Top quote from Radio 5 last night. News lady is reporting on the latest IVF mix-up story (Lady 1 has four eggs removed, the two bad ones are put back inside her and the two good ones are put inside Lady 2. Lady 2's two good eggs are put inside Lady 3. The doctors involved clearly shouldn't be playing God - they can't even play Doctors without f*cking things up...)

The presenter asks the reporter: "Should all people currently having IVF treatment be worried by this story?"

Reporter replies - totally deadpan: "Well we don't want to put the willies up people having IVF, but..."


The Latest Poor Sucker...

...searched for "Guy Fawkes face masks".

A Bit Of A Teaser

Something which always conjures up a range of emotions and excitement, is when someone sends you an email with the final tag line of:

"Trust you've heard [so and so's] good news."

And you have no idea what they are talking about and cannot immediately email - or phone - them back to find out what this good news is. You're left in this limbo of not knowing, where your imagination goes to work dreaming up all of the possible good news options available. You're naturally happy that [so and so] has had some good news (if they are a friend and you care), but this joy is offset by the feeling that you've been left out of their loop: How come the guy who emailed you knows and you don't?! What makes it worse is that he expects you to know, hasn't given you a clue, and therefore you risk a loss of face having to email him back asking "What good news?". What if it's a wind-up?

Darren emailed me this morning with "Trust you've heard Larry's good news."

Having not yet been able to verify the facts, my imagination has come up with the following options:

1) Larry's going to be a daddy.
2) He's won the Lottery.
3) He's starring as a villian in the new James Bond film.
4) He and Carol are getting married.
5) They are moving to a huge house in France and he is planning to make wine.
6) His hair has spontaneously starting growing again.
7) His new teaching career is being accelerated and he has a headmastership of some top school lined up.
8) The rugby team he coaches - Burnham D team - has won some cup or something and he has been offered the job of head coach of his beloved Saracens.

As soon as I get the result, I'll let you know. It's quite exciting isn't it!

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