Thursday, November 07, 2002

The World's A Stage

We're back from the Inlaws. I could give you a full report on things, but Scott's already posted up his take on things (nicely done too), so I'll skip the details.

I will say that although I spent the majority of the time up there locked in a tiny room with my head in my books, it wasn't until I strolled into work this morning that I realised how energising a few days away from the office can be. I feel refreshed and full of spunk. I give it two days before this Well of Chi is drained by the leeches here at work.

As Scott points out, Emma has foolishly asked me if I'd like to write her a school play about WWII. Taking Sheila Starline's advice that one should never turn down such an opportunity, I've jumped at the chance, especially as the Second World War is one of my specialist subjects. I can't decide to go for the epic approach - a complete run through of all the major events of the conflict - or focus in on a single, smaller episode, with a human story / tragedy - i.e. a more humanistic approach.

The epic route has its appeal. Having a dozen kids running about on stage, with their arms flung horizontal to their bodies, screaming "neeeee-owwwww" and "badda badda badda!", could be a cheap and very effective way of recreating the Battle of Britain.

Problems that we may need to overcome:
1) Political Correctness: Dangerous ground getting kids to dress up as Nazis. Add in the Final Solution and how to deal with it sensitively and appropriately, and we have a cocktail of extremely difficult issues to contend with.
2) Parental Response: I will probably need to cast a Hitler and a Stalin. As a parent, how would you feel about Little Johnny playing HItler in the school play?

I will want to add some songs too. Classic war songs should do the trick. If you know any - other than "...the other is in the Albert Hall!" - let me know.

This project is on ice until December.

Setting A Trend

Simon's posted up the best referral search to his blog. He is number one for "gay beefeaters in uniforms" apparently. A good effort at trying to usurp the crazies who have found my Wonderful World through nutty searches, but it crumbles to dust in the face of this little gem:

"I had a dream last night that someone cooked a dog and put the whole dog on a plate with scramb[led eggs]"

A nice short concise search that one...

We also have:

Ikea Snake (possibly a reader testing me out)
Email Ikea
Table tennis twiddling learning
Optician Halloween (?)
Halloween image lady table window soldier (??)
Wonderful pregnancy
What do you predict may happen in the High Street over the next ten years
Giant chimney sweeps website

Clearly I am now a great source of information for those who are pregnant, those who need retail investment advice, people with massive chimneys, and Koreans.

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