Friday, October 31, 2003

Happy Nappy Hands

We have replenished our home hand cream stocks and Lisa at work has donated me a tube of concentrated Neutrogena hand cream -- the Norwegian fisherman's choice apparently*. As a result my hands are slowly getting back to normal. No more eczema or knuckles that look like elephant knees.

* Which would account for the slight fishy smell.

The Quiet Month of October

I've noticed that the majority of Blogs that I read have been very quiet over the last few weeks. It would appear as if October is a quiet month for Bloggers -- like the housing market is quiet in January and February. I've tried to spot a trend, but can only come up with everyone seems miserable and can't be bothered to write about it.

Fair dinkum.

My excuse -- apart from the 9 lb 4 oz bundle of joy / poo-machine -- is my Blog time has been diverted to setting up a blogsite for the Oxford magic community. As I haven't been playing much recently, I've had to satisfy my magic hunger in other ways...

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