Monday, July 19, 2004

The Naming Party

Thank you to everyone who joined us for India's naming party yesterday. Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. It was great for me! The afternoon went quicker than even our wedding day, and I was conscious of the fact that most people got all of 5 minutes (if they were lucky) talk time. Sorry! It was a blur, but I did my best. Thank you again for coming and your kind gifts for India. And the booze of course. It was a suitable celebration of India's arrival into the world.

A summary for those who didn't make it:

We'd booked the Barns Centre for 12:30. We got there early -- we had lots to set-up.. The Centre Manager forgot our booking. Vic was stressing at 12:35 that he wasn't going to turn up and all the food that she and her mum had been preparing for 3 days was going to cook in the back of the car. At 12:45 I managed to locate John Thomas (real name) the Barns Centre Mgr and he opened the hall for us 5 minutes later. Tears from Vic were averted. My bollocks were saved from getting cut off with the bread knife. With all hands on deck we managed to get set-up and rolling just as the first guests arrived.

The day was sweaty. Very humid. Great for those who wished to sit out on the grass and catch some rays, but bad for those of us who were stressed at not having a venue / 5 minutes to set-up the place. Many guests had the pleasure of having my salty sticky cheek pressed against their face on arrival. Not great for the armpits either when you've -- as usual -- not written your speech and are trying to jot down a few notes on the back of a stamp.

The food was great.

Uncle Stasher -- more formally known as Andrew -- played a perfect piece [The Swan] on his cello to open the ceremony. The babies were enthralled.

The four godparents/cheque-bringers -- Rob, Emma, Stasher and Steph -- behaved themselves and nodded when required.

India was oblivious to the fact that it was her party and she was the centre of attention. 

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