Wednesday, January 05, 2005

The Year of the Nobby

Welcome to 2005 people. I didn't post anything over the holiday period because we didn't do anything of interest over the holiday period. Which was great. India loved her plastic pirate ship -- she has already perfected a decent pirate "Ahaar!" -- and I got my classic King Kong movie poster*, so we were all happy.

* King Kong is coming out of the jungle, surrounded by scantily-clad, screaming ladies. He is currently being framed up at Bob's gallery, ready for his hanging in our new Art Deco style bathroom, when we eventually move**. It'll scare the hebe-gebe's out of India.

** Our buyer is pissing us around again. She's worried about the lack of damp-proof course guarantees and has reduced her offer by £4,000. As I told our estate agent, she can shove that up her damp course. We've had an independent surveyor out yesterday to give us a realistic report and quote on it. I reckon £1,000 and we'll offer to split this 50-50 with her in the form of a £500 discount on the price. TBC on receipt of the report. Her messing is also pushing the exchange date back -- and she was the one who wanted to move asap too... Earliest moving date is probably going to be the 28th of January now.

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