Thursday, March 09, 2006

Hot Thai Food

No sign of any baby movements. We're going out for some hot thai food tonight in an attempt to flush the little blighter out. Vic's "bored" with being at home with nothing to do now that all rooms have been cleaned at least twice this week already.

Know Your Enemy, Mister Weasel

Hello to all my colleagues who shouldn't be reading this. Now go away. Leave this site. You are not welcome at this blog.

Here's the story:

I update on the Tuesday. On the Wednesday there is a print-out of my blog front page on the office printer. Not my printer though, it's on the management printer. I've not printed it and asking my line manager and the Finance Director, they haven't printed it either. Nor have the only other three individuals who regularly use that printer.

To be honest, I'm shocked that it's been printed at all: nobody at work should know of it's existence. Clearly someone at work has discovered my blog and decided to print it off in order to embarass me...

But how have they discovered the blog? It's written in a pseud, with no references that could be google'd up, unless you're really clever and persistent. Having checked with IT, internet logs are not viewed by IT, so it wasn't them. So either the individual has seen me writing the blog in the office -- not possible -- or I have to conclude they have physically gone onto my laptop and taken a look at my internet history.

Option 2 is pretty serious stuff considering that there were also a few company confidential links surfed that day, as well as numerous confidential spreadsheets that I'd opened too. The misconduct box is pretty much ticked there. The FD wasn't inpressed when I explain the scenario.

On Thursday I catch a couple of members of IT viewing this blog on line. Caught redhanded.

So now did IT get the link?

Well I have to conclude that the same individual who printed-off the blog also decided it would be great fun to email the link to their chum in IT. A great opportunity to nose into my private life, have a titter behind my back, etc.

They must think I'm an idiot.

I'm f**king furious that's what I am. Seething with contempt. This blog is for close friends, fellow bloggers, community friends, and complete strangers. I don't want Tom, Dick and IT reading it.

It's not difficult to piece two and two together. I don't even need the printer log or internet log from the Wednesday to finger the perp. I don't even need to check my Site Monitor for their IP address. I know actually who I cannot trust by their reaction on Friday to my cold shoulder.

Be disgusted with yourself.

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