Monday, November 22, 2004

House News

We've accepted an offer on our house -- £202,500, a little below our "minimum acceptable" -- but only because we have offered (and had accepted) an offer on a large four bed detached house on the modern part of Thame's estate. Our purchase is a bargain and will set us up for a long time: the house represents 2 steps up on the property ladder for us. We are excited, and it ticks all of our boxes and more.

Mum is helping us with the Stamp Duty and moving costs -- the only reason we can afford this leap up.

The ball is now rolling and if everything goes smoothly, then with luck we may well complete the sale mid January: the chain is our cash buyer, us, our vendor who is going into rented -- i.e. a good short chain.

Fingers crossed.

1 comment:

kate said...

Good luck with the sale/purchase/move. And I'm sorry to hear about your grandfather.