Friday, November 22, 2002

My Duvet Weighs a Ton

Is how Chuck D would have described this morning’s attempts at crawling out of bed.

I had about two weeks of poor sleep prior to my exam, but how it’s been and gone, I’m sleeping like a log.

In the mornings I wake up with lichen covering my trunk, and wood lice in my crevices.

My Ship Anchors in E Bay

Just as I’ve been a relative newcomer to blogging, so I have only just discovered the joys of shopping on ebay.

It’s fantastic isn’t it: Every thing you could ever want at knockdown prices. A Bargain Hunters dream. And everyone seems so friendly and helpful too. It’s great!

So far I’ve bought an old board game and two books that I’ve wanted for years (lost treasures from my youth).

Everyone who knows me, knows I love games. Board games, card games, computer games, bedroom games (joke), roleplaying games (especially in the bedroom – nudge, nudge, wink, wink), games of chance, games of skill. You have a game, I’ll play it.

My love of games comes from when I was very little, but the move into fantasy and sci-fi came a little later. I was introduced to the world of fantasy gaming by the classic – and ground-breaking – Warlock of Firetop Mountain, the first book in the hugely successful Fighting Fantasy series of “if you want to do this, turn to page such and such” adventure game books.

I’ve been riding the geek rollercoaster ever since.

Anyway, the FF writer Steve Jackson decided to compose a set of classic FF game books, called Sorcery! with two twists: The story / game played out over the course of all four books in the set, making it an epic – like Lord of the Rings – and you could use magic, with a very clever code system.

So my mum bought me the first book, and when I’d finished it, the second.

Unfortunately I never saw the third or fourth episodes in the bookshop and my quest was never finished…

I’ve been keeping an eye out for them ever since at jumble sales and charity shops, but had no luck until ebay came along… But with a two minute search and a couple of small cheques, I’ve now got my missing chapters.

Wish me luck as I set forth to reclaim the Crown of Kings!

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